Monday, August 29, 2011

I read somewhere once that a wise man speaks when he has something to say, and a fool speaks because he has to say something. Sometimes I feel like blogging makes me a fool. Like I am writing something just because I have to say something, sort of like a facebook status, a brief moment of attempting to get the attention of others. A small part of me has only recently been feeling the need to journal, or do something similarly cathartic, and since at this time I prefer typing to writing, perhaps I shall fill this blog again with words. With any luck they might turn out to be something worth reading.

Also. I was thinking today about how I failed to keep my new year's resolution this year, at least so far. But I think that perhaps next year, instead of one drastic resolution, like to suddenly lose 100 lbs or become a better person, I'm going to resolve to 12 smaller things. One thing every month that I need to work on, that I need to spend those 21 one days required to make a habit. I can think of a lot of great examples for this. Like not leaving clothes all over my bed room floor, or taking care of an email or bill as soon as it comes into my hands, instead of putting it down and waiting until later. Maybe I won't wait until new years. Maybe now is a much better time.


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