Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A new semester.

So as this semester is getting underway.. I would like to share some of the more exciting things that have happened to me thus far.

1. Someone on campus is riding to class everyday on a unicycle. It's pretty swell.

2. There is a guy in my Hebrew class that has studied "circus arts" for 9, yes 9, years. wow.

3. Last week I went on an adventure and at 1:30 am on friday morning I was running around campus in a cloak, carrying a lightsaber.

3. In one of my classes I got to read "Out of the silent planet" by C.S. Lewis. I was very happy.

4. Tonight I am going to a guy's floor open house for their toga party thing. hm...

5. Some one in one of my classes called the Bahamas a third world country. hmmmmm...

Ok. I will share more exciting things later. I just felt like typing something right now.

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